RT Channels Subscriber and Monthly Views Data
Data: quintly.com; Figure Anthony Livshen
Data: quintly.com; Figure Anthony Livshen
On RT’s flagship YouTube channel, 27 percent of the videos posted highlighted Russia’s view of the crisis in Ukraine, and these videos accounted for nearly 27 percent of the channel’s views. In other words, though people may watch a wide range of stories on RT (anything from economic coverage to getting an inside look at the latest Russian fighter jet), they are indeed watching the Ukraine coverage.
Not all of RT’s efforts are so successful. For example, on the RT flagship channel, 21 percent of videos uploaded were European-interest driven. However, these videos accounted for only 11 percent of the channel’s views. In other words, a relatively smaller number of viewers see RT as a credible source of information on the situation in Europe. In contrast, human interest videos (which range from cat videos to building demolitions) represented nearly 10 percent of RT’s videos for the month, but garnered nearly 17 percent of its total views.