Sunday, October 20, 2013

Jonah Peretti: And at number one on Buzzfeed's list is...

Buzzfeed's "thing" is lists. Lots and lots of lists. "We're obsessed by them," Peretti confesses, smiling. "If we take the same point and make it not a list, people don't like it as much."

Not that lists are anything new: witness the Ten Commandments (or, as The New Yorker would have it, "10 Judeo-Christian Moral Injunctions You Need in Your Life Right Now"). But Buzzfeed has taken list-writing to the next level, turning the genre into an art form. But be warned: they're addictive, which explains the hours I lost sidetracked while, ahem, researching Peretti.

Crucially, lists are easy to read on your phone, or "MO-bil" in Peretti-speak. And mobiles account for 50 per cent of Buzzfeed's traffic, which, as he told a packed conference room just before we met, means "content can't spread if it's not viewable on mobile". And "content spreading" is what Buzzfeed is all about: a whopping three-quarters of people clicking on one of its stories did so because one of their virtual friends shared a link on a social network. This has all sorts of implications for the future of media, which Peretti, a quintessential nerd genius, has been quick to exploit.

And a list of buzzfeed lists...
* The 29 Stages of a Twitterstorm
* 13 Simple Steps to Get You Through a Rough Day
* 12 Reasons to Consider a Robot for Your Next Life Partner
* The 30 Most Important Cats of 2012
* The 21 Absolute Worst Things in the World