Friday, March 20, 2015

EU set to fight back in Russia information war

Kal’s cartoon: this week, Putin, Russia and the West
A paper produced earlier this year by four countries - Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and the UK - notes that Russia is "rapidly increasing its disinformation and propaganda campaign".

The aim, according to the paper, is "to discredit EU narratives, erode support for legitimate governments… and undermine the concept of free independent, pluralistic media".

"Where there is misinformation, particularly about the EU's policies and programmes, the EU needs to have something more coherent to say about it," said an EU diplomat.

Russian outlets must abide by local laws, of course. But Europeans should be wary of handing Mr Putin easy propaganda wins. Up against lavishly financed Russian media, cash-strapped, fractious Europe will always struggle: one American official likens the battle to using a teaspoon to shovel out of a snowstorm. But European values like free speech and a commitment to truth remain potent, as Ukrainians know well. Europe’s best hope lies in loudly promoting them. If attempts to counter disinformation are to get anywhere, they must demonstrate the falsehood of the most brazen Russian proposition of all: that there is no truth in reporting, just a postmodern potpourri of perspectives.