Friday, September 20, 2013

Viral Video Chart: Kid President, Phonebloks, tipping tips

See an inspiring educational pep talk and an innovative customisable smartphone in our rundown of the top online clips

1. Phonebloks
Phone of the future?

2. Spencer's Home Depot Marriage Proposal
Shopping for love

3. Kid President's Pep Talk to Teachers and Students
The kid's alright

4. Tipping Servers $200
Tipped over the edge

5. The Scarecrow
Hit animated game trailer

6. Ohio University Marching 110 does The Fox by Ylvis
Down to the musical detail of the Norwegian hit

7. The Jewish Hunger Games: Kvetching Fire
Fasting furiously, no schtooping

8. Flying Kittens vs Flying Puppies (Slow Motion Battle)
Pets unleashed

9. Ben Affleck Tells Parenting Stories, Talks Batman
Kids say the darndest things

10. The Fox by Ylvis
Tiny paws up the hill

Source: Viral Video Chart. Compiled from data gathered at 14:00 on 19 September 2013. The Viral Video Chart is currently based on a count of the embedded videos and links on approximately 2m blogs, as well as Facebook and Twitter.