Saturday, December 21, 2013

MBA students ask 'what does the future hold?'

The survey asked the students which of today’s global brands they believe will still be bankable in 2050. Just over three-quarters thought that Google would be in business, with McKinsey and Co scoring 60 per cent and Toyota 51 per cent. Facebook, however, polled a measly 25 per cent.

“The world will still be a lovely place, but every time you search for something on Google, you’ll have to pay a £1 charge,” says Bharat Gupta from Cranfield School of Management. “In 2050 Facebook and Apple will have a similar status to Yahoo and Nokia today.”

By 2050 the distinction between physical and virtual experience will have become thoroughly blurred, according to some of the MBA students interviewed. They also make numerous mentions of 3D interaction overtaking 2D in advanced social media, and voice-activation being replaced by thought-activation.