Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New Beyoncé album smashes iTunes record

The new album from the singer Beyoncé has become the fastest-selling release in the history of iTunes, reinvigorating Apple’s music store at a time when streaming services such as Spotify, Deezer and Rdio have stolen some of its thunder.

Beyoncé's Marketing Strategy Worked for 3 Reasons
  1. The unexpected release of 14 new songs—and full-lengths videos for each one—isn’t just surprising, it’s shocking. How could she have done all of this in secret with paparazzi and smartphone-wielding fans stalking her every move? Shock makes people talk and feel compelled to share the news with friends online and offline.
  2. This strategy set her apart from her contemporaries and was different. This is not how albums from big musical acts are marketed. This year alone, the album launches from Gaga, Katie Perry, Britney Spears and Eminem were all carefully planned and involved advertising in multiple channels and touchpoints. Early news articles reference Beyoncé’s marketing strategy as “innovative” and the “future blueprint for the music industry.” Originality stands out and is the kind of thing that tends to spread via word of mouth.
  3. The bold strategy was on-brand for Beyoncé. With 17 Grammys, she is known as a strong woman with a commanding presence that rules the music industry. She even has an alter ego named “Sasha Fierce.” She’s so electric that her performance can shut down a Super Bowl. Conceptualizing this “visual album”—songs and videos together—and releasing it straight to fans with no notice plays into her nickname, “Queen Bey.”