Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The digital world is changing the value of media content

Free of shelf-space limitations, the web's ability to make 'golden oldies' accessible to everyone forever will force us to reassess the importance of 'newness'

There's an old joke about Alzheimer's: the good thing about it is you always meet new people. What does this have to do with media on the web? Everything, I think.

Up until now, we have always lived in a linear world of very limited shelf space. That is, there were a limited number of TV or cable channels, a limited number of hours of broadcasting.  In the world of music, there was only so much shelf space at Tower Records. In the world of books, only so many shelves at Barnes & Nobles.

It used to be that we outlived our TV shows and music and movies.Gilligan's Island came and went. We continued. But as the world goes to digital and infinite, it is the content that will survive long after we are gone. Or certainly past the time that we can remember that we actually already saw that movie. Or did we?