Sunday, May 5, 2013

Welcome to the Lean Back 2.0 relaunch

For the past year, The Economist Group’s Lean Back 2.0 blog has examined, discussed, and tracked the impact of new digital platforms on reader behaviours and media businesses. Featuring insights from some of the leading thinkers intechnology, media, and advertising, we put forward the view that the transition to digital was not a zero-sum game. We found that many media industry leaders, including our competitors, agreed with us. Our mission was to present a variety of perspectives on the digital transition and we hope it has been valuable to you.

We now turn our attention to the future of multi-platform marketing and to providing interesting news, research and insights for those who lead the strategy around the increasingly complex consumer decision journey. By evolving Lean Back 2.0 into a hub for insights on marketing in a multi-platform age, we will expand on our existing work on the digital revolution to cover everything from building brands to big data and getting more return on marketing investment.  We hope you will find this to be the right place to find good ideas and hope you will send us your good ideas too.