Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New screens require new TV strategy - FT

Russian meteor sightings are a reminder of the huge and growing audience for short clips, but the shift is clear. “We’re seeing the form of content change back towards TV, but with a very different engagement model,” Mr Knapp says.

For a start, a market once defined by YouTube’s user generated clips is starting to look more like TV. Ooyala sees long-form programming – TV shows and films – growing much faster than short videos.

Hardware has played a role: it is easier to watch a half-hour show on a tablet, connected TV or games console plugged into the living room screen. Debates about whether Sony is right to bring out a fourth-generation PlayStation as gaming moves online often ignore such devices’ importance for accessing video content.

Investments in original programming from digital distributors such as Netflix, Amazon and Hulu have also helped, and the Olympics proved there is an appetite for watching lengthy live events online.
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