Sunday, February 10, 2013

Viral Video Chart - The Guardian

This week's viral chart couldn't help returning to the Russia after all the fun we had watching the thrill and spills on the country's roads. On this visit, we get to see what the locals get up to in their free time. There's water skiing, horse riding, some gentle gymnastics and, of course, a bit more street action.

1. We Love Russia compilation
How could you not?
2. Skyfall – Honest Trailers 
Telling it like it is
3. Phil Spector trailer
Pacino pulls out all the stops
3. Small Talk: Kids on Valentine's Day
How does love make you feel? 'Awkward and embarrassed'
5. Sky News: 24 Years Of 24 Hour Breaking News 
The breakiest breaking news of over two decades in two minutes
6. David Beckham H&M underwear advert directed by Guy Ritchie 
He really, really wants his dressing gown back
8. The Walking Dead 80's Sitcom Intro 
Zombies in a whole new light
9. The Church of Scientology Super Bowl Ad
'For those who care less about labels and more about the truth', by those rich enough to pay for a Super Bowl ad
10. PSY's Super Bowl Ad
Aw, go on … just one more. In case you feel like you need to cleanse your eyes after the previous Super Bowl ad