Saturday, March 30, 2013

Flying into the Future - Airline Innovation

RARELY has there been a shortage of suggestions from passengers on how to improve the flying experience, but what would a Silicon Valley entrepreneur do to reinvent the industry? Jude Gomila, the co-founder of HeyZap, a gaming company, stepped up to the challenge recently.
The hope is that by 2025 passengers will be able to bypass the terminal entirely, with premium travellers checking in offsite and passing through security en-route. Biometric and perhaps even genetic information will be used to automatically check in passengers upon airport entry. Ultimately, Mr Gomila writes, flying should be such a pleasant experience that you want to jump back on the plane. Unfortunately, he adds, “until Virgin Airlines opened up, it's as if innovation on the experience of the passenger just stopped in the 1960s and has been going backwards ever since.” Gulliver, then, hasn't been the only one to notice.